TETC #113: The Next Sarajevo

Dean-O has been wanting to do this show for a while, and this was the perfect opportunity. With the hot zones the world over heating up, the possibility of A Happening is growing. Dean-O Invites his brother, a Marine with whom he has these conversations often, to talk about the potential flashpoints for a broader conflict and, possibly, a World War.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O: @PacingJouska

Ace’s Substack

TETC on Twitter and BlueSky

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #106: Jarkussy

Ace and Dean-O are joined by Car of Timeline Earth to talk about the Trump v. Biden debate, how democrats are responding, and whether its actually Joever. Then, they discuss the developments from, and responses to, SEC v. Jarkesy, Fischer v. US, Loper Bright v. Raimondo, and the abandonment of Chevron deference.


Car: @TLE_Car

Timeline Earth: @timelineearth

Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O: @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

TETC on Twitter and BlueSky

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #105: You-Tha-Bro Dilemma

Ace and Dean-O talk about Rahimi, the Dave debate (and why it was bad), and we finally talk about the Destiny expansion (it goes from when we bring it up ‘till the end of the episode, so feel free to punch out if that doesn’t interest you).


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O: @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

TETC on Twitter and BlueSky

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*

TETC #103: This Isn't Even My Final Shape!

Ace and Dean-O talk about The Final Shape (until minute 57, for those looking to skip that) before discussing the polling following Trump’s verdicts, the death penalty for drug dealers, libertarians continuing to embarrass themselves, some Israel/Gaza updates, and how Adobe owns everything.


Ace: @Ace_Archist

Dean-O: @PacingJouska (@deanofiles everywhere but birdsite)

Ace’s Substack

TETC on Twitter and BlueSky

*All above links can be found at tetc.show*